Sport Center
A modern gym is available for those who want to maintain their fitness. It has been designed to combine excellent sporting facilities with our stringent safety standards. The fitness center is air-conditioned and outfitted with equipment from the prestigious global brand Panatta X-pression. You’ll find everything you need for a full cardio or strength training session. It is conveniently located near the other sports center and refreshment facilities.
Swimming pool
Dear guests, the swimming pool is closed for maintenance in the period
The indoor pool will quickly become your favorite place to relax and cool off, thanks to its large size and modern appearance.
Dimmed lights, soft music, and green decorations with bamboo accents round out the overall relaxation and tranquility experience. Regardless of the weather outside, you will be able to indulge.
During the summer, when the temperatures outside rise, the pool is an excellent choice for entertaining. During the winter, you can combine swimming and spa relaxation by visiting the sauna park and relaxation area. Individual and group swimming lessons are available throughout the year from professional instructors.
Wearing a swimming cap is mandatory. If you do not have one, you can buy one on-site. There are also combination promotional packages for the pool, sauna, steam room, and gym.
Water aerobics.
Water aerobics is a series of rhythmic exercises performed in a swimming pool. Park Hotel Vitosha’s Maria Spitzer Water Aerobics Club combines fitness, swimming, and fun. Workouts are scheduled and carried out using equipment.
Помещението е решено в материали, които не задържат прах и осигуряват здравословна среда за тренировка. Специално внимание отделихме и на подовата настилка. Избрахме такава, която гарантира защита срещу подхлъзвания, минимален шум при силни натоварвания и издръжливост на интензивни движения.
Лека музика на фон ще създаде приятна обстановка за спорт. Има възможност да използвате и LCD телевизор. Професионални фитнес инструктори могат да изготвят специално за вас индивидуална тренировъчна програма и хранителен режим.
- For information and reservations:
- 0886/ 803 271

E-fit treatments § workouts
Не са необходими изтощаващи тренировки, за да постигнете добра форма. EMS тренировките и заниманията ви помагат да изглеждате страхотно и да се чувствате добре в тялото си. Само две тренировки по 20 минути седмично са достатъчни, за да изгорите излишните мазнини, да стегнете и оформите фигурата си, да облекчите болките в кръста и гърба. Е-фит е с награда “Фитнес на годината” в категория “Иновация във фитнеса” две поредни години (през 2014 и 2015). Програмата е подходяща за всеки, независимо от пол, възраст и физическа подготовка. В цената за тренировка са включени личен инструктор и тренировъчни дрехи (трико).
- Make an appointment for a workout at:
- 0878/ 712 701
The Grand Slam tennis courts, nestled in an outdoor garden and close to restaurants, are the ideal setting for a sporting challenge. If you enjoy tennis or are looking for a good dose of adrenaline, get a tennis workout in. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced tennis player, you’ll find ideal conditions to enjoy the sport and improve your skills.
The three courts have different surfaces: red and HAR TRU. The tennis courts are well-lit year-round. They are outside in the summer and indoors in the winter, respectively. A high bubble temperature is maintained, the highest in the country. You can also go for coached training.
- For information and reservations:
- 0892/ 299 787

Contact us if you have a question or would like to book a time for your training session.
Our team will prepare an offer to suit your requirements and will consider every detail.